Where Men Love to Be Touched

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There are many different places on a man’s body where he enjoys being touched. Some of these places are obvious, while others may surprise you. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the places where men love to be touched. By the end, you’ll have a better understanding of where to touch your man to really turn him on. However, every woman needs to know where men love to be touched so that she can act accordingly.

When it comes to where men love to be touched, there are a few sensitive spots that always feel good. Whether you want to touch him during foreplay or during sex, these are the body parts that men love to have touched. Pay attention to his body language and see where he enjoys being touched the most.

Best sensitive places to touch your man

The neck

One of the most underrated erogenous zones on a man’s body is the back of the neck. This area is packed with sensitive nerve endings that can produce pleasurable sensations when stimulated. Try gently massaging or kissing the back of your man’s neck next time you’re getting intimate and see how he reacts. Chances are, he’ll love it, and turn him on for the action.

Another sensitive spot that feels great when touched is the neck. The skin on the neck is thinner than other areas of the body, making it more sensitive to touch. Plus, there are a ton of nerve endings in the neck, which can make it feel extra pleasurable when someone runs their fingers or tongue along it. To really get him going, combine neck touching with some ear licking or biting. Just be careful not to apply too much pressure since the neck can be a delicate area.

The neck is another great place to release tension. Gently massage the neck with your fingers or use a massager.

The feet

Foot massages are divine. This is a sensitive area for many people, so start slowly and increase the pressure as needed. Pay special attention to the heel and arch of the foot.

It’s one of the best places where men love to be touched.

The scalp

Who doesn’t love a good head massage? The scalp is full of pressure points that can relieve stress and tension. Just be careful not to pull too hard on the hair.

The groin

This one is a bit controversial, but some men really enjoy having their groin area touched during sex or foreplay. Proceed with caution and communicate with your partner before going anywhere near this area.

Where men love to be touched

The Inner Thighs

Another sensitive area on a man’s body is his inner thighs. This area is often neglected during foreplay, but it can be extremely pleasurable for your man if you take the time to stimulate it. Gently rubbing or licking your man’s inner thighs will get his blood flowing and have him begging for more.

The Scrotum

The scrotum is another sensitive area that is often overlooked. This area is packed with nerve endings that can provide pleasurable sensations. Try gently massaging or cupping your man’s scrotum next time you’re getting intimate and see how he reacts. Chances are, he’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Up Periscope

For both men and women, the clitoris is a powerhouse when it comes to sexual pleasure. Located just above the opening of the vagina, the clitoris contains thousands of nerve endings that can produce intense sensations when stimulated. Experiment with different techniques and find what works best for your partner. It’s one of the unique areas where men love to be touched.

The Chest

One of the most popular places for both men and women to be touched is the chest. It’s not terribly surprising since the chest is packed with nerve endings and is generally a sexually charged area for many people. For some men, having their chest played with during sex is enough to send them over the edge. So, if you’re looking for a way to turn up the heat in the bedroom, start by touching, kissing, or licking his chest.

Where men love to be touched

The Perineum

This might be a new one for some people but trust me, it’s a sensitive spot for men that feels amazing when touched. The perineum is the area between the anus and scrotum and it’s filled with nerve endings that can produce pleasurable sensations. While some men enjoy having this area touched during sex, others prefer foreplay. Gently massage or stroke the perineum with your fingers or tongue and pay attention to his body language to see if he’s enjoying it. If he starts making suggestions, go with it! It’s another fantasy area where men love to be touched.

How to turn him on

The Sensitive Spots Men Love to Be Touched

Those are just a few places where men love to be touched. Of course, everyone is different and there are many other places that feel good too! Explore and experiment with your partner to figure out what feels good for both of you. And most importantly, have fun and enjoy each other.
By stimulating different erogenous zones on your man’s body, you can really turn up the heat in the bedroom!

Men are typically seen as creatures of simple desires but when it comes to sex, they actually have quite a few sensitive spots that feel amazing when touched. Next time you’re getting busy with your guy, take note of where he enjoys being touched the most and give those spots some extra attention. He might just return the favor.

Where men love to be touched

Also read: Intimate Questions to Heat Up Your Relationship in the Bedroom

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3 thoughts on “Where Men Love to Be Touched”

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