Every child wants to be treated like a queen or king. The way they are being treated determines if they will listen to you or not. That’s why I decided to come up with these 10 Ways on how to talk so the child will listen. Every parent desires to see their children listening and paying attention to everything they have to say.
The way parents talk to their children has a great influence on their life of the children. Communication is very important in every stage of life most especially for children of different age groups. I love to be around children and I’ve learned different ways on how to talk to children. So I believe this article will help parents greatly in this aspect of parenting.
Help To Deal With Their Feelings
You need to respect and accept how your children feel by helping them to deal with their feelings. When a child realizes that his or her feelings are being respected. It makes them happy and automatically listens. Children also do have emotions like an adult and they’re very sensitive.
However, when parents recognize and acknowledge this, such children will not become rebellious and will see discipline as a necessity that every child must receive as they grow.
Be A Good Listener
You’ve to be a good listener, if you want your children to listen to you, you also have to give them full attention any time your children want to talk to you. Children know when attention is being given to them or when they are half-listening. You must be attentive because the child will ask you some questions to know if you are listening or not.
Your response to a child’s question will determine if the child will also listen to you in return. Fx a child was trying to tell you that somebody hit him or her today at school when you are busy doing something else. Children are very active when it comes to communication, so listening is very important.
Give Attention
Children can be discouraged when they did not get attention from their parents. Most especially in times of trouble. You do not necessarily have to say a word when you give a child your attention. A sympathetic silence, and showing love and concern are all that a child needs. This is more acceptable than being too harsh with the child.
Acknowledge with a word
When a child comes home from school with a problem, for example, somebody has stolen his or her new storybook. You must not be too judgemental about it and must not start to question him or her, like, where were you then? You do not normally take care of your things properly and you don’t listen, this and that.
This type of attitude from the parents makes children to be confused and it affects them emotionally. It is very difficult for a child to think logically or be constructive when one is asking them a lot of questions or blaming them. I came to understand that children want you to be sympathetic with them when their things got lost instead of blaming them.
Moreover, coming with these words such as oh, hmmm, I see! These words will go a long way in the life of a child. Coupled with a caring attitude and word of encouragement, this helps a child to express his or her own thought and feeling. The child will possibly come up with a solution to solve the problem.
Engage your child with dialog
Do you want your children to be listening to you? Then stop blaming them always whenever they make mistakes, instead try to find out why a child keeps repeating the same problem all the time.
Also, try to engage them with a dialog, you need to stop calling them names. I have realized that children do not listen when we call them names or use abusive words any time something goes wrong. It does not help the child in any way, rather increasing their stubbornness.
Effect of too much punishment
Research shows that children who are used to being threatened by their parents always have a negative impact on society. Children that are being punished anytime they misbehave or get too much pressure do not listen to their parents.
In the same vein, children that always being compared with other children outside. They tend to be more aggressive both against their parents and others. Because they know all they will get is not more than punishment. It has become a normal routine to be punished.
It will automatically affect their behavior when they get outside, and of course, charity begins at home. When they disobey at home, they will do the same anywhere.
Give Information and avoid abuse
Learn to give information instead of shouting and accusing them of what they have done wrong. This actually helps the child to listen to you. For example, when you are angry at a child who brought milk or yogurt out of the fridge and put it on a table. Instead of you saying, milk or yogurt gets spoiled if they are not inside the fridge for more than 5 minutes.
They might not know or realize the effect of their action. When you give information to a child, it helps them to figure out what is right and do what is needed. Clear information is powerful and gives direction. I consider this point the most important factor out of the 10 ways on how to talk and the child will listen. This also helps the child to learn.
Short Communication
When you are correcting or talking to your child, do not use whole sermons and long explanations. I have noticed that children do not want to hear that, all they need is a short reminder and you will see a better result.
Talk about your feelings instead of insulting them. This will enable your child to listen to you. For example, when you are having a dialog with your child and he or she is talking back at you. It is very important you let your child know how you feel about his behavior. Correct with love and explain to your child that when you are talking, he has to listen and keep quiet.
I can say this is one of the best ways on how to talk and the child will listen. When we explain to the child that talking back to your parents is disrespectful. It enables the child to think and know the consequence of his attitude.
Don’t talk down on your child
Just like when we are talking to an adult with such a nice tone, so also a child will like to be treated in such a manner. Do you know that children also deserve to be respected? I have observed this anytime I am around the children. In fact, a child will listen attentively when you talk to them politely instead of talking to them anyhow just because they are children. We should avoid talking down on a child because it will definitely affect his morale.
As parents, when we talk to our children in a soft tone, we are building their self-confidence and self-esteem. Shouting or yelling demoralizes the children and has a negative impact on their behavior. This is one of the fantastic ways on how to talk and the child will listen.
Avoid being too harsh
Everything we are doing to correct and impact our children’s lives must be in moderation. Is not when you become a tiger or lion in the house that will make your children listen to you. Some children can not have eye contact with their parents. They are so fearful because of the pressure that was mounted on them. Children that will listen should be able to look at their parent’s faces no matter how. Eye contact is one of the best ways to resolve issues with a child.
if you can apply these 10 ways on how to talk and the child will listen. Your child will stand out among others. I encourage you to make use of the 10 ways on how to talk and the child will listen. This will help to increase your child’s self-confidence and esteem
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