Victory is designed by God because He is the epitome of victory. God wants us to be victorious in life. Everybody desires to go through life’s battle without being defeated and come out victoriously. This is also applicable to every woman in her home. There is a need for you to stand out among others and be victorious. But for it to come true, you have a part to play. You have to fight a battle with those characters of yours and win. How to be a victorious woman in your marriage/relationship is highly recommended.
If you can be victorious in your marriage, then you are on your way to win in every other area of your life.
Here are some tips that can make a woman be victorious in her marriage/relationship.
Acknowledge God
Any woman who wants to be victorious in life will put God first. She must know that all her strength is in God. She must understand that no victory without God.
Gods treasure
Moreover, in order to be victorious as a woman, remember, victory starts with your mind. How you see yourself matters. Learn to love yourself because you are created in the image of God. You are wonderfully and fearfully made. Don’t let anyone define who you are. Celebrate yourself and take good care of yourself. Because you are the apple in the eyes of God. People may not value you but God does.
You must be ready to humble yourself if you want to be victorious. Be willing to listen and learn from others. Humility is one of the greatest keys that open the door to victory. When you are humble, you will gain even from the people that you never expect. That’s what humility does.
When you are victorious in your home, it will help you fulfill a purpose in every other aspect of life. This is because the light you carry from your home shines beyond your imagination. It makes you happy and so increases your confidence.
Be sensitive
As a victorious woman, know what your spouse loves and cherishes in you. It may be your appearance, your hairstyle, or whatever. Some men love the particular way their wives dress. While some men like some hairstyle or long hair that their wives have. Don’t go and cut your hair because that’s what is invoke. Don’t please yourself alone without considering your partner’s interest. So learn to balance it up. It sounds funny but it’s the reality. Maybe that is the point of your attraction to him.
Add value to yourself
You have to do something with your life as a woman. For you to be victorious, don’t be a liability to your spouse. You have to be empowered economically. You have to contribute to the progress of your family, no matter how little it may be. You cannot afford to be a full housewife. It’s a license to suffering. Because when your spouse is responsible for everything. He will be tired one day.
A man wants an asset and someone who is productive. Every man loves to be proud of his wife. You command respect from your spouse when you add value to yourself. Men want women that they can lean on. A woman who can operate with him on the same level. Even your in-laws will rate you in high esteem. They will never treat you like trash when they know your worth. This is one of the ways on how to be a victorious woman in your marriage/relationship.
Avoid competition
However, in order to be a victorious woman in your home, you must avoid competition with others. Be yourself, don’t live another person’s life. Do not be a copycat. Don’t try to be or dress like others because you never know their source. You may end up where you don’t expect. So be contented with what you have.
Women should also learn to avoid competing with their partners. Remember, they are the head of the house while we are their helpmates. So stay where God put you. Stop fighting to be like him and enjoy the peace of God in your home. This is one of the best ways on how to be a victorious woman in your marriage/relationship.
Pray for your family
A victorious woman settles everything on her knees. She is a prayer warrior. You don’t have to be fighting with your spouse all the time. There are some battles you can not win physically. Maybe your spouse is doing some things you don’t like. The bible says the heart of a king belongs to God, so take the matter to God. Prayer is one of the weapons for a woman who wants to be victorious in her home. She commits everything to God with her prayers. This is another wonderful way on how to be victorious in your marriage/relationship.
Don’t condemn others
Be kind to others in any little way you can. Affect other people’s life positively and learn to celebrate them. Don’t condemn or belittle anyone. You never know who will be there for you tomorrow when you need help. Don’t be too judgemental. This is one of the characteristics of how to be a victorious woman in your marriage/relationship. Learn to lift others up with your actions. This is because one good turn deserves another.
Acknowledge that you don’t know everything
If you are going to be victorious, you have to admit that you don’t know everything. Learn to develop yourself. You need to learn from people that know better than you do. It does not matter, how old you are. There is no age limit to learning. So be determined and be ready to upgrade yourself all the time. Victorious women are always tired of where they are and they are not lazy.
Be ready to learn
They desire greater heights and want to move forward step by step. That’s is one of the characteristics of a victorious woman. Inculcate the attitude of learning and acquire new skills. Don’t be satisfied with your present situation. reading and learning must not stop, read as many books as possible because readers are leaders. You need to invest in yourself. If you are going to be victorious, be a listener, sociable, and interact with people in an open conversation. By doing so you will grab one or two things that can help you.
Always try to see what you can be better at doing because you don’t know everything. Don’t be too proud and arrogant, but be ready to learn even from your junior ones. It does not reduce you. You know what you are doing. Be humble and stay focused.
Remember you cannot have everything
Many women are running after what they don’t have and even though they cannot afford it. You must change the attitude of trying to have everything you like. Learn to save and invest in your future. Buy only what you need and can afford. Some have been addicted to always buying the latest products in town. Remember that designer kind of stuff is seasonal and even the latest will soon become old fashion. You have to be victorious in that area and stop buying all that you see, Later you discovered that you don’t even need them. This is a victorious style of living and you will be happy. I challenge you to make use of how to be victorious in your marriage/relationship.
You cannot please everyone
However, you need to understand this, a woman who wants to be victorious cannot please everybody. Remember there is no amount of what you do that can satisfy people. Learn to please your family and yourself, that’s the most important thing. The rest is the noise of the market that does not count. Women need to be victorious in this aspect. Human beings are insatiable.
Maybe you have been trying to please them before and now you can’t anymore. Remember that human beings appreciate what they are enjoying at the moment forgetting all that they have enjoying in the past. That’s a human being for you, so be wise. This is one of the reasons why you need to learn how to be victorious in your marriage/relationship.
Cannot be everywhere
Must you be on every occasion? the answer is no. Because you should learn to say no sometimes. Many women do that just to please others. Even when it’s not convenient for them. They will still do it anyway.
Everybody cannot be your friend and vice versa. Some people may hate you for that. It does not matter. To be a victorious woman in your home, you have to be disciplined. Don’t listen to what people will say because you are less concerned. There are only three kinds of people that matter to you in life. You should live to please God, your spouse, and yourself. Don’t give yourself unnecessary stress in order to please others. So, to be victorious, you need to apply wisdom in everything you do.
You are on a mission
As a victorious woman, you have a purpose to fulfill. When you realize that you have a goal to achieve. It will help you on your way to victory. Think of what you can do with your life. Don’t accept failure, rise up like a soldier and engage yourself with something tangible that will take you to greater heights. This will enable you to be victorious financially, maritally, and materially. It’s another fantastic point on how to be a victorious woman in your marriage/relationship.
Learn to invest
This is another area for a woman who wants to be victorious. Learn to save no matter how small it is. Remember small drops of rain make an ocean. You can’t afford to eat all your seed. When you plant your seed, it grows and gives you fruits, be productive.
Moreover, learn to be productive even in your time. Invest your time in something meaningful. Stop being a busy body, gisting, gossiping for many hours. You can invest much time in another better thing that can bring extra money at the end of the month. Be industrious. I encourage you to learn how to be a victorious woman in your marriage/relationship.

These are little things that a woman needs to consider and qualifies you as a victorious woman in your marriage.
A victorious woman must wake up from her sleep and buckle up to take her place in destiny. You have a goal to fulfill and you will be victorious.
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How To Be A Better Wife: Qualities that a man is looking for in a woman
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