Every couple has to pass through what is called a trial time in their relationship. There is no way you can live together without having any issues. The beauty of conflict in a marriage/relationship is to resolve your grievances amicably. There is no perfect relationship without facing this type of problem once in a while. It is a common occurrence between two different people of different characters. These 10 tips on how to resolve conflict in marriage/relationship are highly recommended.
Marriage or relationship is an awesome institution that involves so many factors to make it work. Every home has to go through various stages of misunderstanding before it can get better. You’ll disagree in order to agree several times. Conflicts also help us to know our partners better. Because you are learning from each other every time you disagree. You get to know what he/she likes.
As anyone who has been in a romantic relationship knows, disagreements and fights are inevitable.
There is no perfect marriage/relationship
Moreover, when you know that there is no perfect marriage/relationship, this will help you to settle any issue between you and your partner very easily and faster. Do you know that misunderstanding is a joy killer? But the antidote to it is to find a means of ironing things out before it gets out of control. Meanwhile, how you manage this conflict determines your happiness. You need to control it as much as you can, so that joy and peace can reign in your home.

Here are some tips that can help you to resolve the conflict between you and your partner when it comes. Conflict will definitely come since both of you have different personalities and different backgrounds. It’s very normal not to have the same opinion on so many things, but at the same time, you need to settle amicably. These simple ways will help you to manage your conflict in the right manner.
1.) Listen to each other
Listening to each other is very paramount when it comes to resolving conflicts among couples. Don’t interrupt your partner when he/she is talking, it makes the matter worst. It means you’ve not given them the chance to express themselves. One of you has to be a goat in character while the other has to be a sheep in behavior. Moreover, when you listen, it helps your partner to also calm down.
When you choose to listen willingly in the midst of a hot argument, it reduces the level of argument that’s constantly causing problems in your home. It is one of the good strategies from 10 tips on how to resolve conflict in a marriage/relationship.
2.) Communication
Do you know that without communication, there is no settlement? When you don’t want to talk to each other, then how do you expect the matter to be resolved or settled? It just prolongs the days of the conflict, and this can take days, or weeks if nothing is done quickly. Thinking if he/she refuses to talk to me, I will not talk also.
Does it really matter who talks first? Someone has to take a bold step to open up. If you choose to be the first person to approach your partner doesn’t reduce you or mean anything. Somebody needs to do this because of the love you have for each other. One thing that is certain is that you’ll be happy together again within a short time.
3.) Allow your partner to express his/her feelings
This is another beautiful one from 10 tips on how to resolve conflict in marriage/relationship, and also in addition to listening to your partner.
Don’t interrupt when your partner is expressing his/her feelings. It is very important to pour out everything that is bordering you. But, you just need to listen and let him/her finish, then you’ll be able to come up with your own side of the story.
Meanwhile, when your partner is saying A and you are saying BCDE, you can’t settle anything rather than compounding the problem. Sometimes, you need to compromise and reason with your partner for peace to reign. Then you can see how things will turn around for good in your home.
4.) Learn to keep quiet
During settlement, you just need to learn how to keep quiet and cool your temper. When your partner is telling you your negative side, if you cannot listen and keep quiet, you might say something naught that’ll fuel the crisis. It’s not every time you need to talk, it’s advisable to keep silent sometimes and be wise.

5.) Try to settle in the night
This has worked wonders in my own marriage and for most couples that I know. The best time to discuss and resolve conflict in a relationship is at night and in bed. At this time both of you have already calmed down and are ready to listen to each other.
At that time, you’re both tired and trying to see how to end the crisis if you genuinely love each other.
6.) Don’t point out the past mistakes of your partner.
When you are about to settle a misunderstanding, don’t point out the past mistakes of your partner. You did the same 10 years ago, last year, or whatever, this is absolutely wrong.
You’re not settling the matter but re-opening the past wounds. This shows that you have not completely forgiven your partner and you’re still dwelling on your past. This attitude is not healthy for your home. You have to let go and allow peace to reign. This is very important for your relationship to grow and flourish.

7.) Avoid shifting blame
During settlement, you need to avoid shifting blames. It’s your fault, not my fault. This won’t help the matter or solve the issue(s) on the ground. Since you’re both in love, just let go and accept each other’s faults and embrace the weakness so that your marriage/relationship can grow with a better understanding.
8.) Don’t raise your voice
Avoid raising your voice when you are about to resolve the conflict. Shouting does not settle anything. When you talk gently and politely, you can win the heart of your partner and even the case you are arguing upon. There’s an adage that says “your manner of approach speaks volumes”. I know you want your voice to be heard but not when you are raising your voice.
Moreso, I encourage you to learn 10 tips on how to resolve conflict in a marriage/relationship. This will help you to control yourself because you can’t win with that attitude.
9.) Avoid shedding crocodile tears
Do you know that your crying does not settle the matter? This is very common among women, please forgive me if I poke you LOL. You can’t change anything with your crying.
When your partner tells you your fault, you need to swallow your ego and just accept your fault and make an amendment. This will help you to grow and mature rather than cry. Crying only gives you a headache, it will not help you or solve your problem(s).
10.) Learn to say sorry
Do you know that saying sorry is an important key to settling misunderstandings and will restore happiness in your home? You will avoid a lot of problems if you learn to say sorry easily.
What you could have dragged for days or weeks, would be settled in a second by just saying sorry. Don’t be too arrogant to say sorry if you make mistake. This is one of the best of the 10 tips on how to resolve conflict in a marriage/relationship. And it is one of the important keys to sustaining your marriage/relationship. Do you know that you can even say sorry to your partner even though you are pretty sure you are not at fault? Saying sorry has become part of my habit. It makes things easy for me. Sometimes when we disagree and I say sorry to him. It settled the whole matter, we just talk about it and then we move on.
Conflict can be controlled
Moreso, do you know that conflict is bound to occur in marriage/relationships? You cannot avoid it but it can be controlled. When you realize that you and your partner are different in so many ways. This helps you when misunderstanding comes, just find a common ground to settle it and forgive one another.
If you can make use of these 10 tips on how to resolve conflict in marriage/relationship you’ll have a blissful home. Always remember that you are fighting for things to get better in your relationship. And not fighting against your partner nor winning alone. You are fighting to win the battle together and enjoy your home the way it should be.

Also, read: 24 wonderful prayers to sustain your marriage.
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