9 ways on how to be a better husband/partner

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As we all know man is the head of the family as it was ordained by God. The responsibility that is expected from a man is far beyond word of mouth. Marriage is a beautiful thing that every man should try to nurture and do their best to preserve. These 9 ways to be a better husband/partner will guide you on how to be treating your wife/partner. What a man can really give to his wife is by putting action in addition to the word ‘I love you.

This is the reason why I came up with this article to help a lot of men out there who are still struggling to be a better half to their wives/partners.

How to be a better husband/partner

In a home where the husband is doing all or most of the following things, home is always peaceful. Affection and respect are inevitable.

Is your wife always having problems with her inlaws? Does she always feel insecure in public? Is your wife always complaining about your attitude? Here are some tips you can apply to help her in such a situation.

Learn to improve yourself

Every man has a different trait to work on. You don’t need to fix it entirely in order to make your partner happy; you just need to make an honest attempt to grow and improve. And little by little, you’ll find yourself becoming your ideal self.


A man must protect his wife from his family and other people. The way a man presents his wife to his family or friends will determine how they will treat her. If a man always says a good thing about his wife or partner, his family or friends will see her as a responsible woman and they will give her respect and vice versa.

Remember, whatever name you’re calling your wife/partner is what others will help you to call her. The music you’re singing is what she will dance to. So be careful.

A good man will always protect his wife from outside enemies. Protection is one of the best things a man can give to his wife/partner and a blissful home is for sure.


God is expecting every man to provide for his family, most especially his wife or partner. When a man diligently takes good care of his wife and the entire home. Such a man is indirectly asking for an unending blessing from God. God will make his ways prosperous.

When a man provides for his wife/partner, he commands high respect and dignity. I encourage you as a godly man to keep on providing for your family. Your source will always be flourishing like a tree planted by the riverside.

Prevention/ Defend

Moreover, a man with a golden heart will always stand up for his wife or partner whatever the situation might be. You need to shield your wife and not allow her to be humiliated or embarrassed. It is your responsibility to prevent her from being ashamed in any situation.

Is it in the family setting? amid your friends or wherever the place, you might find yourself, be there for her. You have to defend her and let her feel secure. I consider this to be one of the best tips from 9 ways to be a better husband/partner to your wife/partner. You will be envied among other men. This attitude will improve your relationship and bond better.

How to be a better husband/partner


Also, it is generally believed that a man with low self-esteem always feels insecure with his wife in so many circumstances. When your wife or partner goes out of the house, stop monitoring her, let her be, give her space, and allow her to have peace of mind.

Avoid competition

As the head of the home, you don’t need to compete with your wife or partner. Support her in order to achieve her dream in life. See yourself as the same as your wife or partner. Since you are working and building together towards achieving the same goal, there is no room for competition. When there is oneness and unity in the home, such a home will reach its goal and there is always joy and happiness in such a family.

How to be a better husband/partner

Don’t be too bossy

One of the things you can do to be a better man to your wife is to stop bossing her around. As a couple, both of you are one. You have to see your wife/partner as important as you are in your home. I personally love this point out of the 9 ways to be a better husband/partner. This is when she can relate with you easily and it’s healthy for a happy home.

When a man is claiming to be the boss of the house. Your wife/partner will be fearful and won’t be able to share her feelings with you freely even with your children. Also, the fire of romance in such a home will be going down.


As a good man, be a good mentor to your wife/partner. There is no need to marry another wife or have extramarital affairs just because you are feeling inferior to her. If there is any area you think she is not catching up on well, help her out. Don’t abandon her, it is your responsibility to groom her to be the best wife/partner of your dreams. This is another wonderful key from 9 ways to be a better husband/partner to her.


For you to be the best husband, you need to have a caring attitude. Women generally cherish a lot of little things that their men help them to do, no matter how small it is. Be sensitive to your wife/partner’s needs. Don’t act as if you don’t care. Caring is part of the emotional feelings that women like to enjoy with their men.

Moreso, money plays a major role in building a good relationship with your partner but everything is not all about money. Caring is one of the good ingredients on how to be a good husband to the love of your life.


Whatever is being nurtured and given attention to is always coming out well. This is also applicable to women. Another tip for you to be a good man to your wife/partner is to keep on nurturing her. In fact, you are doing it for yourself. She keeps on looking beautiful and radiant to the glory of God. Every man loves to feel proud of their wife when they get a very nice compliment from outsiders.

What will your wife say about you? Do you have all these characteristics or most of them? I encourage you to apply some of these 9 ways to be a better husband/partner. You will definitely change her story to glory and peace, joy and happiness will be restored back to your home.

Also read:

20 amazing prayers for husband: Daily Guide

24 wonderful prayers to sustain your marriage.

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3 thoughts on “9 ways on how to be a better husband/partner”

  1. I have been reading all the signs of him cheating and I truly believe he is but, I’ve asked him but he gets so defensive and the name-calling comes out and then he expects me cheating, so, therefore, he never gives me a yes or no answer is always an argument, I’ve even noticed him buying me gift then normal, following me on social media, he even put a camera inside and out he says it’s for safety but I believe so he knows if I’m home or not and freaks out if they get turned off, thank to kelvinethicalhacker@gmail.com, he will grant you access to his phone to see what is happening in my back without consent, he did that for me, am very grateful to find out. you can text kelvin whatsApp +1(341)465-4599..


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