When you love somebody and is somehow difficult to catch their attention. There is always a way out to do that. Some people can be shy to express their feelings. You have to create an atmosphere to make it easy for them in a way they can understand. Sometimes love at sight speaks but there must be an action to complement it. 17 ways how to make someone fall in love with you are recommended.

Mind you, it’s not everybody that body language works for. People react differently when it comes to love affairs. You need to know what is working at the right time and in a proper place.
When we fall for someone, all we can think about is how to get them to reciprocate our feelings. But, can we make somebody fall for us just like that? ‘Why do people fall in love and ‘how to make someone fall in love with you are questions as old as time.
Here are some tips that can attract that guy or lady you are eyeing.
Make yourself ready
How ready are you? When you want someone to fall in love with you. You have to make yourself ready and visible. Let him/her know that you love and care for a relationship. Don’t act as if you do not border. Show your interest in starting a relationship, don’t pretend, be real and open. This will make others recognize your interest and fall in love with you easily.
Be yourself
It is very important to be yourself when you want someone to fall in love with you. You never know when and how they will catch your signal. Never try to be another person. Be real and avoid imitation. The person will just like you for whom you are and fall in love with everything about you. People recognize you when you are passionate about something. Show people what you’re good at. It’s one of the important ways on how to make someone fall in love with you.
Look good always
Your physical appearance is an important tool for someone to be attracted to you. Try to look good always. These might involve the eating habit that you need to control, looking fit, proper hygiene, doing some training, and much more. You will like to do anything for yourself just to win the heart of that person in view. Take extra effort to look your best because your appearance is a point of attraction to someone else. People take that into consideration and it speaks volumes of whom you are.
For example as a lady, you don’t need to wear rags or be naked that will make a guy fall in love with you. You need to dress well, be simple, and look decent and elegant. You don’t need to overdo things before he will recognize you. Everything should be done in moderation. Always try to capture his/her attention whenever there is an opportunity. You shouldn’t be afraid of that. Remember you’re on a mission. 17 ways on how to make someone fall in love with you

Be reserved
This is another key point. You don’t necessarily need to be talkative in the presence of that person. Learn to be polite always and be calm. Engage in a reasonable conversation whenever he/she is around. They might be impressed or interested in the topic you’re discussing. Right from there, you’re passing your message across to them.
Be happy and smiling
Be ready always to leave something that they will remember you for. Let them know that you’re loaded than just smiling at them. Even though you want him/her, maintain your personality and be disciplined in your actions. Let them know at the same time your does and don’t.
However, be proud of yourself and what you have achieved so far. Let them know your ability and be confident. People like and admire someone who portrays high confidence in themself and shows it. You will get compliments for that. Gradually you’re building your interest in them.
Always wear a happy look, be joyous. Happy people are lovable people, learn to be one.

Show kindness to others
How do you treat others? It is another way to tell others whom you are at a glance. Learn to treat others the way you want them to treat you. Many people react to what they see. When they see the way you relate to others will make them fall in love with you. This announces you more than anything. It shows the type of personality that you have. If you have pride, if you belittle others, if you’re polite, all these show in your attitude to others.
17 ways on how to make someone fall in love with you.
Emotional stable
You need to be sure of yourself if you’re really ready for a relationship. It’s one thing for someone to fall in love with you but another thing is that are you ready for a commitment. For example, someone that is just coming out of a broken relationship that is not yet healed up. Think twice before another dating adventure.

Making relationships work is hard because it involves a lot of things that will make the journey smooth. A relationship is not what you can jump into like that. So emotional and physical assessment of yourself must be sure of before any further move.
Ask yourself some questions
This person that you’re dreaming of, is he/she the right person for you? Can you rate the percentage of your affection for him/her? Do you really love the person? is it true love or just lust that you are having? Are you compatible? You need to be sure about your romantic feeling and not just feelings for just an ordinary close friend. This is very important. If you cannot differentiate between your feelings.
Then it’s better to take your time and don’t rush. It’s possible you both develop feelings for each other sooner or later and it makes your relationship sweeter and stronger. 17 ways on how to make someone fall in love with you

What is your aim?
Your motive for why you want someone to fall in love with you must be very clear and sincere. Are you just coming from a broken relationship? Maybe you’ve heard that your ex is already dating another person and because of that you too want to be in a relationship by all means. This can not work. It’s possible to end up quickly like in your past relationship.
Maybe you want to make him/her feel jealous or want to show that you’re also sellable. So the motive will either make your new relationship work or put it on hold. But if you really have a genuine reason for building a long-lasting relationship and true feelings for that person, then go ahead and make it happen.

Be friendly and lovable
Being friendly is a road to love life. Many relationships start as a friend before it leads to affection. A lot of couples today can tell you how they met their husband/partner. So being a good friend to him/her is another tip for someone to fall in love with you. So this tells us that you need to take your friendship seriously. Be reliable, loyal, and trustworthy friends. Because you never know maybe you’re befriending your future partner. So be careful and watchful. 17 ways on how to make someone fall in love with you
Don’t be too cheap
Meanwhile, the fact that you want someone to fall in love with you, doesn’t mean that you should sell yourself too cheap. Let him/her know that you’re not easy to come by. When people realize this, you command respect. They will not treat you like trash. Sometimes during conflicts then you will hear, after all, I don’t want a relationship, and it’s you that propose or push me to what I’m not ready for. So in order to avoid this, even though you want them, be diplomatic in your action.
17 ways on how to make someone fall in love with you.

Don’t be too desperate
When you want someone to fall in love with you. You need to maintain your standard. Don’t show your desperation. The way you talk, in your reply to some questions, or in your action, will show this. So be mature in handling things so that you will not be taken for granted in your relationship.
Remember others
Mind you it’s possible despite all your move and feelings for that person, there is no response. You should know that the person you’re eyeing might have someone else or is already engaged. You don’t need to feel sad about that. Just relax and focus your attention on someone else.
When you understand that there are a lot of handsome guys or beautiful ladies out there. Maybe you’re not meant for each other. This will soften your heart. But don’t play a defensive game, be open and be sure that your own lover will definitely locate you.
Are you compatible with that person? Do you think you can cope with his/her character? Have you done thorough research about their characters? Do you think you can tolerate them? All these play a huge role in a relationship. If you’ve been blind to some of the things you should know before someone fall in love with you, then this might be a hindrance to a healthy relationship.

Knowing each other
You need to know the person you want to fall in love with very well before longing for him/her. The initial step for someone to fall in love with you is by giving them chance to know you. This takes time and patience and along the way, you’re learning to know each other as well.
During this time, you will both have a chance to ask the most important questions. About what they like, dislike hobbies, interests, and goals in life. Meanwhile, you have to be sensitive and a good listener.
Asking questions about their interest, and what they want in life will let you know their dreams and goals in life. Other things that are relevant for a strong relationship will be revealed as well.

Show interest in their passion
You need to show interest in what they do and what makes them happy. This will help you to bond well eventually when you’re in a relationship. Don’t pretend to like what they do despite you don’t like it. Say it in a polite way that you’re not really a fan of that sport or you don’t know much about it. But I think it’s a good sport for you.
Make them feel special
Treat him like a queen/king anytime you’re together. Give them that respect they deserve, this facilitates that person to easily fall in love with you. Everyone loves to be respected. You can ask for help even though you don’t need it. It makes them feel special and belong. Ask for advice often on different things, this makes them feel they are needful and useful. It gives a sense of responsibility and feels like a wise person.
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