What Does A Man Want In A Relationship?

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In every relationship, it’s a normal phenomenon to have some expectations from the person you’re falling in love with. This is also very important when you know what your partner wants from you, it helps you to do your best in order to meet those needs. So what a man wants in a relationship is highly recommended. This will guide you to have a robust and healthy relationship.

What a man is looking for from a woman in a romantic relationship differs. It’s not only applicable to men alone, women also have their heart desire. In any committed relationship, there are some specific expectations in view that is a must-have for a woman. That is why you will see a relationship that doesn’t go far because what a man wants is not forthcoming and he quit the relationship so soon.


As a woman, you have to be smart enough early in your relationship to find out what he really wants from you. If a guy is serious or not, close observation is highly needed before you invest all your energy and time into that relationship. When you’re sure he’s ready and you can see clearly he’s serious to commit himself. You can then go ahead to provide those things a man is looking for in a romantic relationship.

The reason why it’s important to be sure is to avoid a time waster and heartbreaker guy. Because a lot of guys are not ready to be committed, they’re only peck and go. However, you will actually know if a man truly loves you and want something better from you. He may genuinely tell you what he expects from you as a lover.

For you to build a strong and healthy relationship with a man, here are some undiluted tips on what a man truly wants from you. These are the things that will make your relationship succeed.

Here you will find a pre-knowledge of what men do love to see in a relationship. Even though, this may not be applicable to every man, because what they want differs. Some men always want more like Oliver Twist and unrealistic expectations of what they cannot give is what they want from a relationship.

However, you need to be patient and study your man before you can understand what he wants from you. If you cannot really tame what he wants, there is nothing wrong to ask him about his expectation of you. It’s healthy for both of you to have a strong and solid foundation.

Unique tips of what a man wants from a woman


It’s the most essential thing a man wants in a relationship. Generally, this is what drives men crazy in a relationship. Men cannot do without intimacy. So be ready to embrace and give him always.

Even though, intimacy is not guaranteed for a strong and long-lasting relationship. But at the same time, it plays a vital role and always makes couples bond together. This gives a man happiness and more interest to come closer to a woman he truly loves and cherishes.

When you’re ready and willing to be more intimate with him, it helps your love to grow. You should learn to avoid using intimacy as a punishment when he wants to make love with you, men love to curdle and it can ruin your relationship if he didn’t get it. Intimacy is a path to closeness in every area of your relationship. Make it a date to intimate daily.

Things that a man want in a relationship


A man generally wants a woman he can start his life with. If you see a man that is trying what he can and has a future. Take it easy with him and he will never forget you when things turn around. It’s you that will benefit most from it.

Learn to be contented and don’t leave him for another man because he cannot meet your demand and afford what you want. Men don’t like a woman who wants them to live more than their income and pushes them to do what they don’t want.

It pays to grow with a man that has a future little by little and enjoys a healthy and long-lasting relationship, rather than a man you don’t know what he’s really doing and put yourself in a tight corner.

Things that a man want in a relationship

Reliable and Stable woman

Man wants a woman who is stable physically and emotionally. Someone he can rely on. Men love a woman who is consistent in everything. When a man commits to a serious relationship, he wants a woman who can stand by him come rain come sunshine. He wants to see you beside and behind him always.

Your love can be tested when things are going rough. He needs you to be there for him on those bad days. That’s the type of woman a man wants in his life. They don’t like for better to stay and for worst to run kind of woman in a relationship.

Things that a man want in a relationship

Selfish and Greedy

Also, men hate women who are selfish and greedy, that is always want to be at the receiving end without contributing anything to the relationship. Those types of women never want to commit themselves, and men don’t like a woman of such character. If you want to enjoy a man in your relationship, mind you, love is given and taken.

Things that a man want in a relationship


Men love a woman who puts the interest of her partner first before her own needs. They want a woman who can compromise her pleasure because most of the time what you want and your opinion might not count. But for love’s sake, you give up your wants for the progress of the relationship.

As a good woman, you need to support him with your stability trait so that you will not leave him in a bad time. A man loves a woman that is reliable, that can be his shoulder he can lean on. That’s the kind of woman that a man wants to have in a serious relationship. Someone who can give him peace of mind.

Things that a man want in a relationship


Respect is highly needed for a healthy relationship. Learn to respect your man and his reciprocal. Every man loves to be respected no matter how shorter he may be. Mutual respect is one of the keys that sustaining a long-lasting relationship.

Show respect for his interests or everything he likes to do. You may not necessarily have the same interest but it does not matter. Learn to give him moral support when he’s watching his favorite football club. Men don’t like a woman that belittles them in front of their friends and family.

Support and give him free space to pursue his interests.


It’s another good tip for a healthy relationship. Every man wants a good companion, someone he can reach anytime and in any situation. Generally, men hate loneliness and cherish a woman who can be around them always. They love spending quality time with a woman they love. So always be available for him. He wants a woman to chat with, a jist partner, and not a boring one.

He will find you lovely and interesting to be with when you always make him laugh and have something interesting to talk about. A man wants a woman whom he can open his heart to, someone he can share his feelings, what he likes and dislikes. He wants someone who can tell everything without fear of doubt. Want a woman who can feel his pains and be a good helpmate, someone that can support his dreams and rejoice in his success.

Support Him Emotionally

A man wants a woman that can strengthen and encourage him most of the time. Men want a word of encouragement when they’re down emotionally. He can have some tough day at work and want to come home and meet a woman that can take that heavy burden away with her sweet words. It gladdens men’s hearts when they know that someone cares for them. It’s a way of building a strong relationship.

They cherish and enjoy sincere support from their woman. It’s another key point from 10 things a man wants from a woman in a relationship. It’s always good for a loving and caring woman to give her partner that emotional support when there is a need for it.

Men love when you tell them how much they’ve been trusted and have confidence in what they do. it helps them to do their best and gives them a sense of fulfillment.

Take Care Of Yourself

Another thing that a man wants in a relationship is a woman who takes care of herself and her partner. You need to look good always even when you’re at home. Because you never know when you will have uninvited guests in your home.

A man likes his woman to look presentable always. It boosted their morale as a man. Men don’t like when you don’t take care of your hair for example. You need to love yourself and look beautiful for him at all times.

When a woman refuses to take care of herself, it pushes her man away and can cause a big gap between them.

Your man can lose interest in you when you don’t take care of yourself and the house. It affects intimacy because you’re not attractive to him. Some men may not talk but they get irritated with I don’t care attitude of yours.

Give Him Space

Man love to enjoy his freedom and privacy. Men cherish and value women who are independent and allow their men to have free time for themselves.

There is always time for everything, sometimes you love to be alone, so also your man. Don’t get to his nerves when he wants to be alone. It’s healthy for your relationship. Remember he might need some time to think and plan for the progress of the relationship, let him be without disturbing him. A man wants a woman who will not jealous when he’s spending time with his friends and family. When you respect his privacy, he will also do the same for you.

You can look for something else to do while he’s in his own world. Give him breathing space and he will respect you for that.

When you’re doing all these things, it makes you be wife material. All these traits that men want from women should be seen in every stage of a relationship. It’s an important ingredient for a healthy relationship.

Moreover, all these can also be applied to a marriage that is struggling. If you can make use of these things that a man wants from a woman in a relationship. You can restore peace, joy, and happiness back to your home.

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5 thoughts on “What Does A Man Want In A Relationship?”

  1. I have been reading all the signs of him cheating and I truly believe he is but, I’ve asked him but he gets so defensive and the name-calling comes out and then he expects me cheating, so, therefore, he never gives me a yes or no answer is always an argument, I’ve even noticed him buying me gift then normal, following me on social media, he even put a camera inside and out he says it’s for safety but I believe so he knows if I’m home or not and freaks out if they get turned off, thank to kelvinethicalhacker@gmail.com, he will grant you access to his phone to see what is happening in my back without consent, he did that for me, am very grateful to find out. you can text kelvin whatsApp +1(341)465-4599..


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